Global Network Unlocking how the internet works

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how the internet works earth connected to the network


how the internet works is a broad topic, computers across the globe. It is composed of physical hardware such as servers, routers, and other hardware, as well as software protocols that allow computers to communicate with each other. The internet is a global network that enables people and devices to communicate with each other and access information across the world.

so how does the intarnet work?

The internet works through a series of steps. First, a user’s computer sends out a request for information, such as a website or a file, to a server. The server is a computer connected to the internet that stores the requested information. The request is sent out over the internet in the form of packets, which are small chunks of data. The packets travel across the internet, being routed by routers. Routers read the packets and decide which path is the most efficient for them to take.

Once the packets reach the server, the server processes the request and sends a response back to the user’s computer. This response is made up of the requested information in the form of packets, which are then sent back to the user’s computer. The packets travel back across the internet, being routed by routers and eventually reaching the user’s computer.

how the internet works with protocols

In order for the internet to function properly, it relies on a series of protocols. The most well-known protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). This protocol is responsible for breaking up information into packets and for determining how those packets are routed across the internet. Other protocols such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) are responsible for data transfer over the web, while the Domain Name System (DNS) is responsible for translating domain names (such as into IP addresses.

servers and routers

In addition to protocols, the internet also relies on hardware such as servers and routers. Servers are computers that are connected to the internet and are responsible for storing and providing information to users. Routers are devices that direct traffic across the internet. They read the packets and decide which path is the most efficient for them to take.

The internet is a complex network, but understanding how it works can be simplified by breaking it down into its individual components. By understanding the roles of protocols, hardware, and routing, it is possible to understand how the internet works and how it enables people and devices to communicate with one another.


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